Whereas the Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) was founded in 1997 to defend and advance the rights of
the people of Kenya; and
The course of fulfilling this historic aim, the Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) has been persistent in
fulfilling the requirements of the Political Parties Acts and therefore emerged to lead the struggle for
democratic change, fight dictatorial forces and systems that had long undermined our independence
and replace the same with a federal system of government that distributes resources equitably
across the country through the counties established in the Constitution of Kenya 2011; and
Whereas through the struggles and sacrifices of its members over the generations to come, the
Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) will endeavor to be recognised as the central organiser and inspirer of a
vast popular upsurge against dictatorship restoring democracy and fundamental freedoms and
ensure empowerment of our people, including all professional groups, clansmen, students, trade
unions, Juakali, religious groups and other professional and political organizations; and
Whereas the fundamental goal of the Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) remains to construct a federal,
non-discriminative, non - ethnic, democratic and prosperous society in Kenya;
Now therefore, the National delegates conference of Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) duly constituted
and assembled, cognizant of the historic mission of Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) and of the need to
build a mass based democratic movement and structure to enable it fulfill its mission, to serve as a
political party with a view of establishing a constitutional government that unite all the people of
Kenya as one people, one nation for the complete liberation of the country from all forms of
discrimination and national oppression, transforming the Republic of Kenya into a Federal Republic,
hereby adopts this Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) Constitution in line with the Political
Parties Act.